Meeting between Swiss and Catalan architects


Aside from the exhibition _Import GENEVA, the second day of the event, 14th of November is dedicated to generate synergies between Catalan architecture and Geneva.

Therefore during the day, the event will also present architectural tours, a meeting with professionals and a reception at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion for all architects participating in the two exhibitions.

For Cities Connection Project the meeting between Swiss and Catalan architects is a highlight of the program. For instance, can we talk about a Genevan or Catalan ‘collective housing’? What do they have in common?  What can Barcelona learn from Genevan architecture?


The meeting will take place at Arts Santa Mònica Centre de la Creativitat at 12:00 h and will be a kind of an exchange of professional experiences to share ideas and make new connections. The architects will share experiences in different debates and the sponsors and agents involved in the Cities Connection Project will participate.



The Arts Santa Mònica Creativity Center will host the exhibition _Import GENEVA on 13th November under the title Building Geneva_Projects versus challenges”.

The exhibition is dedicated to twenty collective housing projects built by Geneva architects over the last 10 years. With the aim to generate synergies between Catalan architecture and Geneva, aside from the exhibition on 13 – 14 of November the _Import Geneva event will also present lectures, architectural tours, discussion meetings with professionals, and several visits to local architecture studios.

The opening will count on the presence of Francesco Della Casacantonal architect, Etat de Genève, that will deliver the inaugural lecture entitled “Geneva collective housing” and all the swiss architects.


CCP explores Barcelona with INSIGHT BARCELONA

Friday, November 14th, INSIGHT BARCELONA invites the participants of the exhibition _Import GENEVA to an architecture tour through old town dedicated to URBAN OPERATIONS TO REVIVE OLD TOWN.Additionally there will be two architecture tours offered on Saturday, November 15thTour 01: 22@ DISTRICT – MOST RECENT TRANSFORMATION OF THE CITY
Inscription open. For further information:”We guide you to the hidden jewels of Barcelona’s architecture providing you with professional insights by the people who are involved in the architecture you will be seeing. As architects and Barcelona lovers we participate actively in shaping the city and are eager to convey insightful information about the current perspective and complex relationships of urban development.”INSIGHT BARCELONA offers guided tours by architects of architecture and urban planning in Barcelona and Catalonia.
Any further information:


_Import GENEVA: Why Geneva?

The city of Geneva is developing an unprecedented urban transformation. The plan includes the building of 50,000 future housing units and outlines a green, compact and multipolar city model. Under the name Grands Projects Prioritaires, Geneva is creating new districts in its outlying areas, while the CEVA railway construction – the rail link with France, Cornavin – Eux Vives – Annemasse- is carried out.



The PACN 2030 has three parts:
– An introductory document “Genève Envie”
– The concept of development
– The cantonal master plan that includes the project files and a map with the whole proposed measures.

Entire documents are available here



Últimos preparativos para _Import GENEVA

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Ya sólo quedan tres semanas para la inauguración de _Import GENEVA.

Gracias a la generosidad de Bulthaup Bach 7, uno de nuestros patrocinadores que nos ha brindado su espacio, hoy nos hemos reunido en Barcelona con los estudios catalanes seleccionados para definir la agenda programada y organizar los días del evento.

Ha sido una reunión muy productiva, donde hemos compartido propuestas e ideas para _Import GENEVA.

El programa de este año es muy completo y contará, como no podía ser de otra manera, con la participación de los arquitectos catalanes en la inauguración, en las visitas arquitectónicas y en el meeting entre arquitectos. Además algunos despachos se han ofrecido a abrir las puertas de sus estudios para compartir experiencias y sinergias desde sus espacios de trabajo.

Os dejamos con algunas fotografías del día de hoy.

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Una sera di maggio 2013 venti architetti ticinesi under 50 si incontrano piacevolmente tra le mura della gradevole e ospitale dimora di Madame e Monsieur Décosterd, Console Generale della Svizzera a Barcellona. Poco prima, nel tardo pomeriggio, gli stessi si potevano incontrare nella sala al piano superiore della prestigiosa sede del Col.legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya di Plaça Nova a Barcellona, perché proprio lì tra quelle mura, ricche dei graffiti ideati da Pablo Picasso nel ’55, esponevano i loro progetti di architecture and territory. A memoria un caso raro vedere assieme tutti quei bravi giovani progettisti del Canton Ticino che si intrattenevano piacevolmente.

A distanza di qualche mese, il 15 ottobre, venti architetti under 50 di Barcellona si incontrano nel cam- pus dell’Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio, sempre verso sera, dove affrontano pubblico e studenti con i loro progetti di social housing in urban context. Altro caso interessante.

Merito di Connection_Import Ticino-Export Barcelona: il format ideato, promosso e prodotto dalla gio- vane organizzazione AAAB, Agencia de Apojo a la Arquitectura de Barcelona.

L’architetto Esteve Bonell, per 14 anni professore di atelier all’Accademia, ha seguito gli eventi con la generosità che ci è nota, segno che ci sembra essere di buon auspicio. In questo modo si pongono le basi per rinnovare lo scambio in termini di pensiero e di possibile didattica tra esponenti della cultura architettonica della capitale catalana e la scuola di Mendrisio, fatto che già si era realizzato in passato grazie alla presenza in Accademia di Aurelio Galfetti, Ignasi de Solà Morales e altri ancora.

15 ottobre 2013, ore 19.00
Foyer, Palazzo Canavée, Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio
All’inaugurazione interverranno Marc Collomb (direttore, Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio) & Esteve Bonell (architetto, Barcelona)


Download brochure PDF


23 May 2013 – 6 June 2013
at COAC, Plaça Nova 5, Barcelona

23 May 2013, 19.00h

Presentation by Bonell / Della Torre / Polloni / Regusci
Opening lecture by Alberto Caruso (director of Archi Magazine)