02. Residential Building by Bassicarella Architectes

Today we would like to show you the Residential Building constructed by Bassicarella Architectes. The non-overlapping balconies and their rhythm suggest a dynamic volume’s rotation and enhance the concept of the plan ‘’diagonality’’, which characterize the apartments unity.

Captura de pantalla 2014-11-06 a les 18.58.35

Project name: Residential Building. Bassicarella Architectes

Location: Geneva (Petit-Saconnex)

Tipology: Residential Building

Area: 1890 m2

Construction data: 2012

Photos by: © Didier Jordan

The facade of the Residential Building, composed of precast concrete panels, transforms itself into balconies and continuous large windows. This leads to a great flexibility in the integration of various typologies.