03. Subsidised Residential Building by Aeby Perneger & Associés SA

Today, we’ll talk about Aeby Perneger & Associés SA project, four buildings constructed in pairs with council housing subsidies along the Villa Gardiol directly by the entrance to the new Quartier du Pommier, in Grand-Saconnex (Geneva).


Captura de pantalla 2014-11-06 a les 18.59.04

Project name: Subsidised Residential Building. Aeby Perneger & Associés SA

Location: Grand-Saconnex Ge, Switzerland

Tipology: Collective housing

Area: 14,718 m2 (incl. basement floor)

Construction data: 2001-2005

Photos by: Thomas Jantscher

The two building pairs are positioned according to an urban master plan that was produced in advance. They are each oriented towards central open spaces that were created above an underground car park.