Tomorrow, 20 Catalan architectural works will be presented at the Geneva Pavillon SICLI, highlighting examples of social housing architecture within the framework of the Cities Connection Project (CCP). Under the lema _Export BARCELONA ”Social Housing in Urban Context‘, the exhibition will run until 22nd March at the Geneva Pavillon SICLI (Route des Acacias, 45). This event represents a valuable opportunity for the internationalization process of Catalan architecture and, in particular, for the social housing typologies of Barcelona.

Arts Santa Mònica_Julio2014

Together with the Catalan architects that will travel to Geneva, during these days the event will also count on the presence of:  Jordi Sellas (Director General of Creation and Cultural Industries at Generalitat de Catalunya), Madeline Carey (Advisor on Cultural Affairs at Generalitat de Catalunya) and Josep Font (Department of Culture at Generalitat de Catalunya) from Barcelona, and Joëlle Comé (Conseill de Culture de l’Etat de Genève), Francesco Della Casa (Cantonal Architect Etat de Genève), Daniel Starrenberger (president of the Fédération des Architectes Suisses – FAS), Antoine Robert-Grandpierre, (President of the Maison de l’Architecture) and Vincent Lusser (Promotion des Grands Projects – DALE) who will join us in Geneva.



17h00 Press Conference with the presence of Mr. State Councillor A. Hodgers

18h00 Exhibition Opening

18h30 Vernissage

18h45 Conference of Vicente Guallart, Chief Architect of the City of Barcelona

19h30 Aperitif
