CCP06 | 1st EVENT | BRUSSELS | 14-15th OCTOBER’21

Following the success of the fifth edition of Cities Connection Project – which spotlighted the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the city of Barcelona under the theme “reactivate the city” – we are undertaking the sixth edition with a fresh format: a connection between three partners. On the one hand, Wallonia-Brussels and Barcelona, who will be participating again, thanks to the synergies established between CCP, the Barcelona institutions and especially Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures. On the other hand, for the choice of the third city, we decided to return to Switzerland and more precisely to Basel, a city with a ery rich architectural heritage. Indeed, contemporary architecture has become the hallmark of the city. However, in our opinion, its most important asset is the interrelationship between its territory and its borders. The Basel metropolitan area, with a population of roughly one million inhabitants, is unique in being a city that spans three countries: Switzerland, Germany and France. It is a tri-national, cross-border metropolis unique in Europe.

Shared living spaces is the theme chosen for this CCP06 edition. The sharing of spaces and activities, as well as the diversity of programs are the common points of the projects illustrated in this catalogue. In our view what is truly important are the different approaches and processes tried out by architects from different cities or countries while working in highly heterogeneous contexts.