22 OCT Catalogue Presentation _Import Zurich

The “_Import Zurich. Cooperative housing: new ways of inhabiting” catalogue will also be presented on 22 October at Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya. In addition to images, plans and information about the 20 Swiss projects, visitors will be able to use an Augmented Reality application to expand the contents.

The _Import Zurich title focuses mainly on Zurich’s cooperative housing projects. For about fifteen years now a renaissance of urban living is bringing about a renewal of activity among the housing cooperatives. They have adopted ecological standards, they have developed socially compatible forms of denser building, and their large-scale projects have a significant impact on the qualitative development of the city’s neighbourhoods. This is coupled with a new generation of architects who, thanks in part to architecture competitions, have had the opportunity to develop, test out and affirm their own field of research within a very strict and deterministic legal framework.

Import_ZURICH. Portada

The catalogue also contains reviews by André Bideau, Daniel Kurz, Josep Maria Montaner and Zaida Muxí. Includes texts in English and German.




Cities Connection Project (CCP) is a project curated by
Nicola Regusci and Xavier Bustos

First edition: 2015 dpr-barcelona
Editors: Nicola Regusci, Xavier Bustos (CCP).
Contributions: André Bideau, Daniel Kurz, Josep Maria Montaner, Zaida Muxí
Translations: Jennifer Taylor (GER), Susanne Bosch-Abele (ENG) Graham Thomson (ENG)
Graphic design: dpr-barcelona.
ISBN: 978-84-942414-7-5
Size: 25 x 18cm.

PVP: 18,00 €

With Augmented Reality contents in each project.
AR interactions developed by dpr-barcelona
AR technology powered by Aurasma | www.aurasma.com

More on dpr-barcelona

X.Bustos supports the Launch of Catalan-Architects.com


Xavier Bustos, architect and Cities Connection Project co-director, supports the recent launch of Catalan-Architects, the seventeenth platform under the World-Architects umbrella.
It’s not a coincidence that the twenty catalan offices selected by CCP curators are present in the platform. Catalan-Architects recognizes the amazing quality of buildings and landscapes produced in the region anchored by Barcelona.

To parse just what it is that creates the distinctive architecture of Barcelona and the Catalan region, Xavier Bustos give his point of view in this article by discussing three areas—education, cultural initiatives, and awards—that intertwine to impact Barcelona’s admittedly distinctive architecture. In 3×3: Snapshots of Catalonian Architectural Production he presents three examples in each area to give readers a general idea of the field, while acknowledging the complexity of architectural production in the region.

02. Arquitectes de capçalera (etsab)_ Photo Marc VidalPiso Piloto Exhibition. Arquitectes de Capçalera (ETSAB)


_Export BARCELONA catalogue edition

_Export BARCELONA ‘Social Housing in Urban Context’ includes the publication of a catalogue edited by dpr-barcelona that contains the information about the twenty selected works, incorporates Augmented Reality and contextualizes the selected projects in a historical timeline of reference works. The catalogue is also intended to be the most up to date compendium of recent and prominent Catalan social architecture.

Captura de pantalla 2015-02-05 a la(s) 15.14.47



The catalogue you can find below includes texts by Ferran Mascarell, Conseller de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Antonio Hodgers, Conseiller d’État de Genève, Vicente Guallart, chief architect of the Barcelona City Council and Xavier Bustos and Nicola Regusci, the project curators.


Tomorrow, 20 Catalan architectural works will be presented at the Geneva Pavillon SICLI, highlighting examples of social housing architecture within the framework of the Cities Connection Project (CCP). Under the lema _Export BARCELONA ”Social Housing in Urban Context‘, the exhibition will run until 22nd March at the Geneva Pavillon SICLI (Route des Acacias, 45). This event represents a valuable opportunity for the internationalization process of Catalan architecture and, in particular, for the social housing typologies of Barcelona.

Arts Santa Mònica_Julio2014

Together with the Catalan architects that will travel to Geneva, during these days the event will also count on the presence of:  Jordi Sellas (Director General of Creation and Cultural Industries at Generalitat de Catalunya), Madeline Carey (Advisor on Cultural Affairs at Generalitat de Catalunya) and Josep Font (Department of Culture at Generalitat de Catalunya) from Barcelona, and Joëlle Comé (Conseill de Culture de l’Etat de Genève), Francesco Della Casa (Cantonal Architect Etat de Genève), Daniel Starrenberger (president of the Fédération des Architectes Suisses – FAS), Antoine Robert-Grandpierre, (President of the Maison de l’Architecture) and Vincent Lusser (Promotion des Grands Projects – DALE) who will join us in Geneva.



17h00 Press Conference with the presence of Mr. State Councillor A. Hodgers

18h00 Exhibition Opening

18h30 Vernissage

18h45 Conference of Vicente Guallart, Chief Architect of the City of Barcelona

19h30 Aperitif


20 Catalan works will be exhibited in Switzerland


On 5th and 6th February, twenty Catalan studios will travel to Geneva (Switzerland), representing a broad cross section of the social housing models that have been built in Barcelona over the last ten years. Twenty selected works will be exhibited in the Geneva Pavillon SICLI under the title _Export BARCELONA ‘Social Housing in Urban Context’ until 22nd of the same month, thanks to the collaboration between the Cities Connection Project and the Maison de l’Architecture.


The event _Export BARCELONA ‘Social Housing in Urban Context’ includes the publication of a catalogue, published by dpr-barcelona, with information about the twenty selected works, incorporating Augmented Reality and contextualizing the selected projects in a historical timeline of reference works. The catalogue is also intended to be the most up to date compendium of recent and prominent Catalan social architecture.The catalogue includes texts by Ferran Mascarell, Conseller de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Antonio Hodgers, Conseiller d’État de Genève, Vicente Guallart, chief architect of the Barcelona City Council and Xavier Bustos and Nicola Regusci, the project curators.

The exhibition will start on February 5th with an inaugural conference presented by Vicente Guallart, Chief Architect of the City of Barcelona, and will be attended by Antonio Hodgers, Conseiller d’État de Genève, and Francesco Della Casa, Architecte cantonal, representing Swiss institutions, and by Jordi Sellas,Director General for Creation and Cultural Industries. The event on 5th and 6th February will also include interviews, discussion meetings between professionals and institutions from Barcelona and Switzerland, with visits to emblematic buildings of Geneva’s collective housing history. The exhibition will run until 22nd March at the Geneva Pavillon SICLI (Route des Acacias, 45).

The event _Export BARCELONA ‘Social Housing in Urban Context’ is part of the Cities Connection Project, which regularly connects outstanding architecture from two European regions via a “back and forth” event that on this occasion has selected Geneva and Barcelona. The first phase of the exchange, _Import GENEVA ‘Building Geneva: projects versus challenges’, took place in Barcelona from 13th to 24th November 2014 at the Arts Santa Mònica Centre de la Creativitat. The Cities Connection Project (CCP) aspires to annually connect European architecture that is committed to the current social reality, while breaking away from mass media.

For future editions, the Cities Connection Project will link cities like Marseille, Zurich, Berlin and Brussels. The aim of the Cities Connection Project is for each event to be the catalyst for an ongoing dialogue between architects from the selected cities.

