Typology: School 

Location: Basel, Switzerland

Construction Date: 2019 – 2021

Photos by: Julian Salinas

The angular building reflects this structure, marks one cornerof the block, and while appearing as a public building is slightly set back from the regular alignment of buildings along the street. The school yard is defined at the rear as a preciselyframed outdoor space with large old trees.

The building serves as a Tagesschule [school with special program before and after the regular hours] along with a special offer for cognitively impaired children. In addition to the actual classrooms and larger spaces for groups, there is an auditorium, handicraft workshops, facilities for sports, school kitchen, and rooms for four newly introduced daycare groups.

As part of the renovation, in addition to updating the technical infrastructure, the spatial arrangement is also adapted to meetnew requirements. To accommodate the new concept for fireprotection various elements have been removed. This meansthat the main staircase on the third floor becomes completely exposed enabling daylight to flow into the corridor. Theprominent concrete wall in the corridor is freed from various pieces of furniture and reused with carefully placed cloakrooms and cupboards.

Glazed openings above the doors and built-in window vitrines bring more daylight into the previously rather dark corridors, in which seating niches have been created through wall openings. Acoustic elements on the wall and ceiling improve the spatial acoustics and also serve to provide new electrical outlets.

A uniform color concept helps the children find their way around. Through different materials the color of the respective stories sets accents. A production kitchen is newly erected on the third floor. New benches and bicycle stands lend the outside area of the school qualities that invite lingering and secure safety for the children by providing a barrier towards the street.