PARTICIPANTS ROUND TABLE CCP06- BRU-BSL | MEXTROPOLI | Nicola Regusci ( CCP ) Ludovica Molo ( BSA ) | Laurence Creyf ( Vanden Eeckhoudt-Creyf architectes ) | Stéphane Kervyn ( K2a Architectes ) | Simon Frommenwiler and Simon Hartmann ( HHF Architekten )
Nicola Regusci introduces the Cities Connection Project to the Mexican public, then explains the theme of the 6th edition of CCP. Ms Ludovica Molo, moderator, then invited the speakers to briefly present their projects selected for the CCP06 Shared Living Spaces exhibition. Mr. Simon Hartmann, together with Mr. Simon Frommenwiler, presented project N°04: Lichtstrasse. Ms Laurence Creyf then presented project N°03: Masui 96. Finally, Mr Stéphane Kervyn presents project N°13: Tapis Urban.
The exhibition CCP06, Sahred living spaces is presented as a part of the 6th CCP edition which connect three cities: Basel-Wallonia-Brssels Barcelona. The previous editions have been held between Barcelona, some Swiss cities ( Geneva, Zurich, Ticino ) and Wallonie-Brussels one of the Belgian federal region. The Cities connection Project is a connector between cities and their contemporary architecture, with the aim of generating synergies between architects, cultural agents and institutions. Architecture exhibitions are the focus of this project, we select 20 projects for each participating city, bu also we organize lectures, round tables, guided visits and informal meetings in order to create links between the involved architects.
The sharing of spaces and the diversity of programs, are the common points of the selected project presented in the upstairs exhibition CCP06. In our opinion, one of the main features of the Cities Connection Project are the design processes and approaches developed by these architects in different social, geographic, and political contexts. You can list the exhibition CCP06 after this round table…..

Nicola Regusci, architect and co-founder with Xavier Bustos, Cities Connection Project
Ludovica Molo
is architect founder of StudioWe architects with Felix Wettstein and President of the Swiss Federation of architrectes.
Laurence Creyf
Is co founder of Vanden Eeckhoudt-Creyf architectes a Brussels based architecture practice
Simon Hartmann and Simon Frommenwiler are founder, with Tilo Erlkach, of HHF Architekten an office based in Basel, switzerland
Stéphane Kervyn is founder of K2a office based also in Brussels.

Given that CCP always suggest different topics about contemporary projects within the context of different cities i would like architects to introduce themselves by describing one negative and one positive aspect of the city in which they practice their work: Basel and Brussels.
Urban strategies of Basel and Brussels….? ̈
Basel is developing the transformations of a lot of former industrial districts and in Brussels I find very interesting the strategy of Contrat de quarter that is an action plan, aimed at improving the living environment of a precarious neighborhood. Could you develops these topics and find perhaps some common points about urban strategies….?!

Let’s proceed with the exhibition topic: Shared Living Spaces.
It seems that in recents years this topic has become very important because for example the restrictions caused by the pandemic. A mixed use program and the attempt to provide buildings with different spaces for people to interchange and sharing among people is an added value for the project. On this issue for many years in Switzerland we are experimenting with this kind of spaces for example in cooperative housing…..
Increasing demand from users of these types of spaces has feedback in program requests from public public developers …?!
…….or are the architects themselves coming up with innovative solutions in this field …?! Can you give us some examples on this from your design experience…?!
In Belgium do you have some similar experiences of Cooperative Building…..? ̈
I would like to continue with a topic that affects several architectural firms: projects and collaborations with architects abroad: 3 questions and 3 brief answers for every office in order to introduce the topic of international architecture competitions….
HHF is an office architecture practice that develops many projects abroad and in collaboration with others architects: Swiss consulate Chicago, Urban neighbourhood development in Luxembourg , Berlin’s biggest shopping mall etc….This international dimension of your office is
how this international dimension of your office came about ?! Because the tri-national location of the city Basel …..?! International competitions…?!
Given that we are in Mexico and I know that the HHF office co-participe in a project with Tatiana Bilbao I would like to ask wich is your experience of collaborating between Switzerland and Mexico specifically in a project carried out in Strassbourg….!?
On the other side the Belgian Vanden Eeckhoudt-Creyf architectes and K2a develop their projects exclusively in Brussels and mostly focused on single family houses and some collective buildings, but I find in your web a project in London and on tin Barcelona…..How is born this collaboration abroad and how was this experience for your practice……?!
http://vandeneeckhoudtcreyf.be/index.php?/project/music-hall/ http://www.k2a.be/

In Basel the SAM, Museum of Architecture and others important institutions plays an important role in the dissemination of building culture, do you have in the Wallonie-Bruxelles Federation an equivalent Museum or Institution…..
In Switzerland and Belgium, in the French speaking part, there are two important institutions insuring the international dissemination of contemporary architecture: Wallonie-Bruxelles Architecture and Prohelvetia that support with Amb, Area metropolitana de Barcelona, the exhibition CCP06.
What do you think about that…?! Have you suggestions about this topic…..