15. Inter-generational living and village centre by DAR Architects SA

This creation of an inter-generational living and public area aims to reinforce social and communal links at the heart of the village of Meinier.

15. amb número

Project name: Inter-generational living and village centre. DAR Architects SA

Location: Meinier, Geneva

Tipology: communal housing + public building

Area: 14,130 m2

Construction data: 2010 – 2012

Photos by: Thomas Jantscher

The brief by the municipality is to provide social housing for families, the elderly and people with mobility issues as well as a community space with a nursery, creche, games library, a restaurant, one-stop social and medical advice shop, a multi-purpose hall, an after-school hall, a social hall for the elderly, a shop and the communal bunker.

14. “Du-Bois-Melly” Building by Bugna

The project proposes, despite its intentionally contempory language, to complete the circle of this 19th Century block with a building that respects the different alignments and volumes of its neighbors.

14. amb número

Project name: “Du-Bois-Melly” Building by Bugna

Location: Geneva

Tipology: Collective housing

Area: 3,450 m2

Construction data: 2008 – 2009

Photos by: Didier Jordan

The facades are built with pre-cast concrete elements that reflect the mineral character of the adjacent historical buildings. The originality is that these facades offer a warm rust-stipled effect that was achieved by sprinkling an orange oxide on the surfaces of the anthracite pre- cast concrete elements.

13. Les Communailles by CLR Architectes

The project is representative both in its typological variety and in its architecture. Despite the sheer scale of the project, the richness of the distribution spaces allows to favour the conviviality. These distribution spaces include dilatation spaces, appropriate to game and to encountering.

13. amb número

Project name: Les Communailles. CLR Architectes

Location: Onex, CH

Tipology: Collective housing

Area: 9,500 m2

Construction data: 2011 – 2014

Photos by: michel Bonvin

The social and architectural interweaving of the collective housing reflects itself into the façade, in a rigorous system with complex appearance. The complexity breaks the monotony of the collective housing that characterise the suburb, so as to offer a different way to cohabit.


12. Yvoy by Atelier d’Architecture 3BM3 SA

12. The house we would like to show you today fills a remaining space in a location characterized by the presence of a large unit of buildings realized by the Honegger Brothers in the 1960s, between Boulevard Carl-Vogt and Boulevard d’Yvoy.

12. amb número

Project name: Yvoy. Atelier d’Architecture 3BM3 SA

Location: 1 boulevard d’Yvoy. 1205 Genève

Tipology: Collective hosing for social rent.

Area: 1,800 m2

Construction data: 2007

Photos by: Luca Fascini

The building includes a staircase with natural daylight and dispatches 2 apartments per floor (3 rooms and 5 rooms). Perforated metal elements noticeable on this project are a nod to the work of American artist John Maeda. Atelier d’Architecture 3BM3 carried all Sia’s phases in the construction of this building.


11. Les Courtillets by 2DLC & Oleg Calame Architectes Associés

The project is the result of an invited competition. The program includes twenty four apartments, retail space, public parking and covered places required for residents.

11. amb número

The building completes a residential block. It is located along a gently sloping road.

Project name: Les Courtillets. 2DLC & Oleg Calame Architectes Associés

Location: Chemin des Courtillets, Lancy, Genève

Tipology: mmeuble de 24 logements, bureau, commerce, parking privé et public, place.

Area: 3,586m2

Construction data: 2007-2009

Photos by: Fausto Pluchinotta

Access to the building is managed by the choice of the reference level of pedestrian access to the lowest points of the side road. The flow is thus divided between the sidewalk following the natural slope of the land and a semi private outdoor plaza located low against the pavement which joined upstream by a ramp. This device is used to distribute three climbs through a single entry which gives the generosity of the common elements without damaging the potential of building housing unit.


10. Students house by Lacroix Chessex

The building opens itself to the panorama of Geneva, like an open hand, and generates a semi-private garden right at its foot. The garden is situated along a public promenade.

10. amb número

Project name: Students House. Lacroix Chessex

Location: Avenue de France 20-22, Genève

Tipology: Student House

Area: 10,485m2

Construction data: 05/2011 – 12/2012

Photos by: Radek Brunecky

The shape of the building is a broken bar having one long side aligned with the tracks of the railway. The facade consists of private balconies on the east and the large outdoor gangways (“coursives”) to the west. It expresses a superposition of big horizontal slabs which equally function as filters against the sun and noise. The height of the parapets varies depending on the angle of incidence coming from the noise of the passing trains. This principle enriches the building with a facade that progressively lightens itself to the sky.


09. Affordable Apartments by Meier and Associés Architectes

This project integrates a large apartment building into the wider context of a cantonal urbanisation plan. However, the building seeks its own rules of composition – derived from the location – to create its own autonomy and identity.

9. amb número

Project name: Affordable Apartments. Meier and Associés Architectes

Location: 17-29 route de Meyrin 1203 Genève

Tipology: Collective housing

Area: 11,000 m2

Construction data: 2009-2011

Photos by: Jean-Michel Landecy

The interior of each apartment consists of an entrance hall leading into a living area extending through the full depth of the building, from garden to street. Depending on the size of the apartment, the bedrooms are either north- or south-facing. The living rooms of all apartments open onto the broad balcony-terrace.

08. Coupe Gordon-Bennet by LRS Architectes

Today we would like you to get into de LRS Architectes project, the Coupe Gordon-Bennet, which explores the notion of town planning in a peripheral zone through a morphology of courtyard buildings which blurs the boundaries between the architectural object and the urban fabric.

8. amb número

Project name: Coupe Gordon-Bennet. LRS Architectes

Location: Geneva

Tipology: Collective housing

Area: 11,047 m2

Construction data: 2012

Photos by: Regis Golay (Federal Studio) & Thomas Jantscher

The realisation of the entire project is the outcome of an   innovative cooperation between 3 prize-winning architectural practices and this collective approach seeks to achieve a  strong  and  coherent identity for this new district, while at the same time creating a wide range of public spaces, ambiences and typologies.

07. Cite Universitaire Extension by Frei Rezakhanlou Architectes

Today we would like you to have a look at the Cite Universitaire Etension, this space is directly connected to all the existing buildings making it a place of gathering, encouraging social exchange in the campus.

7. amb número

Project name: Cite Universitaire Extension. Frei Rezakhanlou Architectes

Location: Tavan 9, Geneva

Tipology: Collective housing

Area: 11,973 m2

Construction data: 2011-2013

Photos by: Pierre Boss

The  student  room  is  the  structural  unit  of  the  building. This cell also determines the visual identity of the facades. Through  the  glazed  interior  facades  the  kitchen/living room  and the corridors participate  strongly in the communal life. The former is recognised by bow windows and both are furnished with colourful curtains.

06. Social Housing by Atelier Bonnet Architectes

At the transition from suburban construction with single family homes to an agriculturally used region, three compact, large scale buildings set themselves apart from the open horizontal lines of the area. We can see that fact reflected at the Social housing by Atelier Bonnet Architectes.

6. amb número

Project name: Social Housing. Atelier Bonnet Architectes

Location: Plateau de Vessy. Genève

Tipology: Collective housing: 108 apartments.

Area: 12,100  m2

Construction data: 2011-2013

Photos by: Yves André Photographe

The typological configuration of the building results from the combination of two well-known models – the housing block with a central courtyard, and parallel building units that are accessed via outdoor walkways. These are united in a hybrid type.

On the individual floors, the barrier-free traffic surfaces allow unhindered access, creating an interim space that opens towards the surrounding landscape and mediates between one’s own apartment and the quarter, as well as creating a meeting place for neighbours in the ten apartments on each floor.